Add target class annotations based on ChEMBL data to the dataset.
import logging
import os
import sqlite3
import pandas as pd
from arguments import OutputArgs, CalculationArgs
from dataset import Dataset
import output
import sanity_checks
########### Add Target Class Annotations Based on ChEMBL Data ###########
def get_target_class_table(
chembl_con: sqlite3.Connection, current_tids: set[int]
) -> pd.DataFrame:
Get level 1 and level 2 target class annotations in ChEMBL.
:param chembl_con: Sqlite3 connection to ChEMBL database.
:type chembl_con: sqlite3.Connection
:param current_tids: Set of target ids to take into account
:type current_tids: set[int]
:return: Pandas DataFrame with target class information
:rtype: pd.DataFrame
sql = """
pc.protein_class_id, pc.pref_name, pc.short_name, pc.protein_class_desc, pc.definition
FROM protein_classification pc
-- join several tables to get the corresponding target id
INNER JOIN component_class cc
ON pc.protein_class_id = cc.protein_class_id
INNER JOIN component_sequences cs
ON cc.component_id = cs.component_id
INNER JOIN target_components tc
ON cs.component_id = tc.component_id
df_target_classes = pd.read_sql_query(sql, con=chembl_con)
# only interested in the target ids that are in the current dataset
df_target_classes = df_target_classes[df_target_classes["tid"].isin(current_tids)]
# Query the protein_classification table for the protein classification hierarchy
# and merge it with the target class information for specific tids.
sql = """
WITH RECURSIVE pc_hierarchy AS (
SELECT protein_class_id,
pref_name AS names
FROM protein_classification
WHERE parent_id IS NULL
SELECT pc.protein_class_id,
-- recursively add current protein classification pref_name to string, separated by |
pc_hierarchy.names || '|' || pc.pref_name
FROM protein_classification pc, pc_hierarchy
WHERE pc.parent_id = pc_hierarchy.protein_class_id
FROM pc_hierarchy
target_class_hierarchy = pd.read_sql_query(sql, con=chembl_con)
target_class_hierarchy[["l0", "l1", "l2", "l3", "l4", "l5", "l6"]] = (
target_class_hierarchy["names"].str.split("|", expand=True)
target_class_hierarchy = target_class_hierarchy[
target_class_hierarchy["protein_class_id"] != 0
][["protein_class_id", "l1", "l2"]]
df_target_classes = df_target_classes.merge(
target_class_hierarchy, on="protein_class_id", how="left"
return df_target_classes
def get_aggregated_target_classes(
dataset: Dataset,
chembl_con: sqlite3.Connection,
) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
Get mappings for target id to aggregated level 1 / level 2 target class.
:param dataset: Dataset with compound-target pairs.
:type dataset: Dataset
:param chembl_con: Sqlite3 connection to ChEMBL database.
:type chembl_con: sqlite3.Connection
:return: [pandas DataFrame with mapping from target id to level 1 target class,
pandas DataFrame with mapping from target id to level 2 target class]
:rtype: tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]
current_tids = set(dataset.df_result["tid"])
df_target_classes = get_target_class_table(chembl_con, current_tids)
between_str_join = "|"
# Summarise the information for a target id with
# several assigned target classes of level 1 into one description.
# If a target id has more than one assigned target class,
# the target class 'Unclassified protein' is discarded.
level = "l1"
target_classes_level1 = df_target_classes[["tid", level]].drop_duplicates().dropna()
# remove 'Unclassified protein' from targets with more than one target class, level 1
nof_classes = target_classes_level1.groupby(["tid"])[level].count()
target_classes_level1 = target_classes_level1[
nof_classes[nof_classes == 1].index.tolist()
| (
nof_classes[nof_classes > 1].index.tolist()
& (target_classes_level1["l1"] != "Unclassified protein")
target_classes_level1["target_class_l1"] = target_classes_level1.groupby(["tid"])[
].transform(lambda x: between_str_join.join(sorted(x)))
target_classes_level1 = target_classes_level1[
["tid", "target_class_l1"]
# Repeat the summary step for target classes of level 2.
level = "l2"
target_classes_level2 = df_target_classes[["tid", level]].drop_duplicates().dropna()
target_classes_level2["target_class_l2"] = target_classes_level2.groupby(["tid"])[
].transform(lambda x: between_str_join.join(sorted(x)))
target_classes_level2 = target_classes_level2[
["tid", "target_class_l2"]
return target_classes_level1, target_classes_level2
def output_ambiguous_target_classes(
dataset: Dataset,
args: CalculationArgs,
out: OutputArgs,
Output targets have more than one target class assignment
:param dataset: Dataset with compound-target pairs.
:type dataset: Dataset
:param args: Arguments related to how to calculate the dataset
:type args: CalculationArgs
:param out: Arguments related to how to output the dataset
:type out: OutputArgs
more_than_one_level_1 = dataset.df_result[
& (dataset.df_result["target_class_l1"].str.contains("|", regex=False))
["tid", "target_pref_name", "target_type", "target_class_l1", "target_class_l2"]
"Targets with more than one level 1 target class assignment: %s",
more_than_one_level_2 = dataset.df_result[
& (dataset.df_result["target_class_l2"].str.contains("|", regex=False))
["tid", "target_pref_name", "target_type", "target_class_l1", "target_class_l2"]
"Targets with more than one level 2 target class assignment: %s",
more_than_one_tclass = pd.concat(
[more_than_one_level_1, more_than_one_level_2]
"Targets with more than one target class assignment: %s",
name_more_than_one_tclass = os.path.join(
def add_chembl_target_class_annotations(
dataset: Dataset,
chembl_con: sqlite3.Connection,
args: CalculationArgs,
out: OutputArgs,
Add level 1 and 2 target class annotations.
Assignments for target IDs with more than one target class assignment per level
are summarised into one string with '|' as a separator
between the different target class annotations.
Targets with more than one level 1 / level 2 target class assignment are written to a file.
These could be reassigned by hand if a single target class is preferable.
:param dataset: Dataset with compound-target pairs.
Will be updated to only include target class annotations.
dataset.target_classes_level1 will be set to \
pandas DataFrame with mapping from target id to level 1 target class
dataset.target_classes_level2 will be set to \
pandas DataFrame with mapping from target id to level 2 target class
:type dataset: Dataset
:param chembl_con: Sqlite3 connection to ChEMBL database.
:type chembl_con: sqlite3.Connection
:param args: Arguments related to how to calculate the dataset
:type args: CalculationArgs
:param out: Arguments related to how to output the dataset
:type out: OutputArgs
target_classes_level1, target_classes_level2 = get_aggregated_target_classes(
dataset, chembl_con
dataset.df_result = dataset.df_result.merge(
target_classes_level1, on="tid", how="left"
dataset.df_result = dataset.df_result.merge(
target_classes_level2, on="tid", how="left"
dataset.df_result, target_classes_level1, target_classes_level2
output_ambiguous_target_classes(dataset, args, out)