Get and add compound-target pairs based on information
in the drug_mechanism table.
import logging
import sqlite3
import pandas as pd
from dataset import Dataset
import sanity_checks
########### Extract Drug-Target Interactions From the drug_mechanism Table ###########
def get_drug_mechanisms_interactions(chembl_con: sqlite3.Connection) -> pd.DataFrame:
Extract the known compound-target interactions from the ChEMBL drug_mechanisms table.
Note: While the interactions are mostly between drugs and targets,
the table also includes some known interactions between
compounds with a max_phase < 4 and their targets.
Only entries with a disease_efficacy of 1 are taken into account,
i.e., the target is believed to play a role in the efficacy of the drug.
*disease_efficacy: Flag to show whether the target assigned is believed
to play a role in the efficacy of the drug in the indication(s)
for which it is approved (1 = yes, 0 = no).*
:param chembl_con: Sqlite3 connection to ChEMBL database.
:type chembl_con: sqlite3.Connection
:return: Pandas DataFrame with compound-target pairs
from the drug_mechanism table with disease relevance.
:rtype: pd.DataFrame
sql = """
SELECT DISTINCT mh.parent_molregno, dm.tid
FROM drug_mechanism dm
INNER JOIN molecule_hierarchy mh
ON dm.molregno = mh.molregno
INNER JOIN molecule_dictionary md
ON mh.parent_molregno = md.molregno
WHERE dm.disease_efficacy = 1
and dm.tid is not null
df_dti = pd.read_sql_query(sql, con=chembl_con)
return df_dti
def get_relevant_tid_mappings(chembl_con: sqlite3.Connection) -> pd.DataFrame:
Get DataFrame with mappings from target id to their related target ids
based on the target_relations table.
The following mappings are considered:
|protein family | -[superset of]-> | single protein |
|protein complex | -[superset of]-> | single protein |
|protein complex group | -[superset of]-> | single protein |
|single protein | -[equivalent to]-> | single protein |
|chimeric protein | -[superset of]-> | single protein |
|protein-protein interaction | -[superset of]-> | single protein |
These mappings can be used to increase the number of target ids
for which there is data in the drug_mechanisms table.
For example, for *protein family -[superset of]-> single protein* this means:
If there is a known relevant interaction between a compound and a protein family,
interactions between the compound and single proteins of that protein family
are considered to be known interactions as well.
:param chembl_con: Sqlite3 connection to ChEMBL database.
:type chembl_con: sqlite3.Connection
:return: Pandas DataFrame with mappings from tid to related tid
for the defined subset of target relations.
:rtype: pd.DataFrame
sql = """
SELECT DISTINCT tr.tid, tr.relationship, tr.related_tid,
td1.pref_name as pref_name_1, td1.target_type as target_type_1, td1.organism as organism_1,
td2.pref_name as pref_name_2, td2.target_type as target_type_2, td2.organism as organism_2
FROM target_relations tr
INNER JOIN target_dictionary td1
ON tr.tid = td1.tid
INNER JOIN target_dictionary td2
ON tr.related_tid = td2.tid
df_related_targets = pd.read_sql_query(sql, con=chembl_con)
protein_family_mapping = df_related_targets[
(df_related_targets["target_type_1"] == "PROTEIN FAMILY")
& (df_related_targets["target_type_2"] == "SINGLE PROTEIN")
& (df_related_targets["relationship"] == "SUPERSET OF")
protein_complex_mapping = df_related_targets[
(df_related_targets["target_type_1"] == "PROTEIN COMPLEX")
& (df_related_targets["target_type_2"] == "SINGLE PROTEIN")
& (df_related_targets["relationship"] == "SUPERSET OF")
protein_complex_group_mapping = df_related_targets[
(df_related_targets["target_type_1"] == "PROTEIN COMPLEX GROUP")
& (df_related_targets["target_type_2"] == "SINGLE PROTEIN")
& (df_related_targets["relationship"] == "SUPERSET OF")
single_protein_mapping = df_related_targets[
(df_related_targets["target_type_1"] == "SINGLE PROTEIN")
& (df_related_targets["target_type_2"] == "SINGLE PROTEIN")
& (df_related_targets["relationship"] == "EQUIVALENT TO")
chimeric_protein_mapping = df_related_targets[
(df_related_targets["target_type_1"] == "CHIMERIC PROTEIN")
& (df_related_targets["target_type_2"] == "SINGLE PROTEIN")
& (df_related_targets["relationship"] == "SUPERSET OF")
ppi_mapping = df_related_targets[
(df_related_targets["target_type_1"] == "PROTEIN-PROTEIN INTERACTION")
& (df_related_targets["target_type_2"] == "SINGLE PROTEIN")
& (df_related_targets["relationship"] == "SUPERSET OF")
relevant_tid_mappings = pd.concat(
return relevant_tid_mappings
def add_annotations_to_drug_mechanisms_cti(
chembl_con: sqlite3.Connection, cpd_target_pairs: pd.DataFrame
) -> pd.DataFrame:
Add additional information to the compound-target pairs from the drug_mechanisms table
to match the information that is present in the compound-target pairs table based on activities.
:param chembl_con: Sqlite3 connection to ChEMBL database.
:type chembl_con: sqlite3.Connection
:param cpd_target_pairs: Pandas DataFrame with compound-target pairs
from the drug_mechanism table.
:type cpd_target_pairs: pd.DataFrame
:return: Updated pandas DataFrame with the additional annotations.
:rtype: pd.DataFrame
##### Set columns existing in the df_results table. #####
# None of the targets from the drug mechanism table have any mutation annotation,
# hence tid_mutation = tid
cpd_target_pairs["tid_mutation"] = cpd_target_pairs["tid"].astype("str")
cpd_target_pairs["cpd_target_pair"] = [
for a, b in zip(cpd_target_pairs["parent_molregno"], cpd_target_pairs["tid"])
cpd_target_pairs["cpd_target_pair_mutation"] = [
for a, b in zip(
cpd_target_pairs["parent_molregno"], cpd_target_pairs["tid_mutation"]
# New column: is the compound target pair in the drug_mechanism table?
cpd_target_pairs["pair_mutation_in_dm_table"] = True
cpd_target_pairs["pair_in_dm_table"] = True
##### Query and combine compound information with compound-target pairs #####
sql = """
SELECT md.molregno as parent_molregno,
md.chembl_id as parent_chemblid, md.pref_name as parent_pref_name,
md.max_phase, md.first_approval, md.usan_year, md.black_box_warning,
md.prodrug, md.oral, md.parenteral, md.topical
FROM molecule_dictionary md
df_compound_info = pd.read_sql_query(sql, con=chembl_con)
cpd_target_pairs = cpd_target_pairs.merge(
df_compound_info, on="parent_molregno", how="left"
##### Query and combine target information with compound-target pairs #####
sql = """
SELECT td.tid, td.chembl_id as target_chembl_id, td.pref_name as target_pref_name, td.target_type, td.organism
FROM target_dictionary td
df_target_info = pd.read_sql_query(sql, con=chembl_con)
# Fix problems with null not being recognised as None
df_target_info.loc[df_target_info["organism"].astype(str) == "null", "organism"] = (
cpd_target_pairs = cpd_target_pairs.merge(df_target_info, on="tid", how="left")
return cpd_target_pairs
def get_drug_mechanism_ct_pairs(chembl_con: sqlite3.Connection) -> pd.DataFrame:
Get compound-target pairs from the drug_mechanism table
with all the columns that are present in the compound-target pairs based on activities.
Relevant mappings of target ids to related target ids are taken into account.
:param chembl_con: Sqlite3 connection to ChEMBL database.
:type chembl_con: sqlite3.Connection
:return: Pandas DataFrame with compound-target interactions from the drug_mechanism table.
:rtype: pd.DataFrame
# get known compound-target interactions (CTI) from the drug_mechanisms table
df_dti = get_drug_mechanisms_interactions(chembl_con)
# Query target_relations for related target ids
# to increase the number of target ids for which there is data in the drug_mechanisms table.
relevant_tid_mappings = get_relevant_tid_mappings(chembl_con)
# table with mapped target ids
df_dti_mapped_targets = df_dti.merge(relevant_tid_mappings, on="tid", how="inner")
# combine CTIs from drug_mechanism table with mapped CTIs
cpd_target_pairs = pd.concat(
df_dti[["parent_molregno", "tid"]],
df_dti_mapped_targets[["parent_molregno", "related_tid"]].rename(
columns={"related_tid": "tid"}
cpd_target_pairs = add_annotations_to_drug_mechanisms_cti(
chembl_con, cpd_target_pairs
return cpd_target_pairs
########### Add Compounds From the drug_mechanism Table to the Dataset ###########
def add_dm_filtering_columns(dataset: Dataset):
Add filtering columns related to the drug_mechanism table.
- pair_mutation_in_dm_table: pair is in dm table (incl. mutations)
- pair_in_dm_table: pair is in dm table (excl. mutations)
- keep_for_binding: use to limit to binding assays
:param dataset: Pandas Dataframe with compound-target pairs based on ChEMBL activity data
:type dataset: Dataset
# Add a new column *pair_mutation_in_dm_table* which is set to True if the compound target pair
# (taking mutation annotations into account) is in the drug_mechanism table.
dataset.df_result["pair_mutation_in_dm_table"] = False
] = True
# Add a new column *pair_in_dm_table* which is set to True if the compound target pair
# (NOT taking mutation annotations into account) is in the drug_mechanism table.
dataset.df_result["pair_in_dm_table"] = False
] = True
# Add a new column *keep_for_binding* which is set to True if the row should be kept
# if you want to limit the dataset to only data based on binding assays.
# Rows are kept if
# - there is a binding data-based pchembl value or
# - the compound-target pair (including mutation info) is in the drug_mechanism table
dataset.df_result["keep_for_binding"] = False
| (dataset.df_result["pair_mutation_in_dm_table"])
] = True
def add_drug_mechanism_ct_pairs(dataset: Dataset, chembl_con: sqlite3.Connection):
Add compound-target pairs from the drug_mechanism table
that are not in the dataset based on the initial ChEMBL query.
These are compound-target pairs for which there is no associated pchembl value data.
Since the pairs are known interactions,
they are added to the dataset despite not having a pchembl value.
Add the set of compound-target pairs in the drug_mechanism table and
the set of targets in the drug_mechanism table to the dataset.
:param dataset: Pandas Dataframe with compound-target pairs based on ChEMBL activity data
:type dataset: Dataset
:param chembl_con: Sqlite3 connection to ChEMBL database.
:type chembl_con: sqlite3.Connection
cpd_target_pairs = get_drug_mechanism_ct_pairs(chembl_con)
dataset.drug_mechanism_pairs_set = set(
for a, b in zip(cpd_target_pairs["parent_molregno"], cpd_target_pairs["tid"])
dataset.drug_mechanism_targets_set = set(cpd_target_pairs["tid"])
##### Limit the drug_mechanism pairs to the ones that are not yet in the dataset. #####
# Mutation annotations are taken into account.
# Therefore, *(cpd A, target B without mutation)* will be added
# if a pchembl is present for *(cpd A, target B with mutation C)*
# but not for *(cpd A, target B without mutation)*.
cpd_target_pairs = cpd_target_pairs[
"#Pairs not yet present based on binding or functional assays: %s",
# Combined data of existing query with new compound-target pairs.
dataset.df_result = pd.concat([dataset.df_result, cpd_target_pairs])