Write the dataset, subsets and related statistics to files
and to the command line.
import logging
import os
import pandas as pd
import sanity_checks
from arguments import OutputArgs, CalculationArgs
from dataset import Dataset
import get_stats
##### Writing Output #####
def write_output(
df: pd.DataFrame,
filename: str,
out: OutputArgs,
) -> list[str]:
Write DataFrame df to output file named <filename>.
:param df: Pandas Dataframe to write to output file.
:type df: pd.DataFrame
:param filename: Filename to write the output to
:type filename: bool
:param out: Arguments related to how to output the dataset
:type out: OutputArgs
:return: Returns list of types of files that was written to (csv and/or xlsx)
:rtype: list[str]
file_type_list = []
if out.write_to_csv:
df.to_csv(f"{filename}.csv", sep=out.delimiter, index=False)
if out.write_to_excel:
with pd.ExcelWriter(f"{filename}.xlsx", engine="xlsxwriter") as writer:
df.to_excel(writer, index=False)
except ValueError as e: # full dataset may be too large to write to excel
# remove empty file in case of error to avoid confusion
if os.path.exists(f"{filename}.xlsx"):
return file_type_list
def output_stats(
df: pd.DataFrame,
output_file: str,
out: OutputArgs,
Summarise and output the number of unique values in the following columns:
- parent_molregno (compound ID)
- tid (target ID)
- tid_mutation (target ID + mutation annotations)
- cpd_target_pair (compound-target pairs)
- cpd_target_pair_mutation (compound-target pairs including mutation annotations)
:param df: Pandas Dataframe for which the stats should be calculated
:type df: pd.DataFrame
:param output_file: Path and filename to write the dataset stats to
:type output_file: str
:param out: Arguments related to how to output the dataset
:type out: OutputArgs
logging.debug("Stats for %s", output_file)
stats = []
df_columns, columns_descs = get_stats.get_stats_columns()
for column, columns_desc in zip(df_columns, columns_descs):
logging.debug("Stats for column %s:", column)
column_stats = get_stats.get_stats_for_column(df, column, columns_desc)
stats += column_stats
for colum_stat in column_stats:
logging.debug("%20s %s", colum_stat[2], colum_stat[3])
df_stats = pd.DataFrame(
stats, columns=["column", "column_description", "subset_type", "counts"]
def write_and_check_output(
df: pd.DataFrame,
filename: str,
assay_type: str,
args: CalculationArgs,
out: OutputArgs,
Write df to file and check that writing was successful.
:param df: Pandas Dataframe to write to output file.
:type df: pd.DataFrame
:param filename: Filename to write the output to (should not include the file extension)
:type filename: bool
:param assay_type: Types of assays current_df contains information about. \
Options: "BF" (binding+functional),
"B" (binding),
"all" (contains both BF and B information)
:type assay_type: str
:param args: Arguments related to how to calculate the dataset
:type args: CalculationArgs
:param out: Arguments related to how to output the dataset
:type out: OutputArgs
file_type_list = write_output(df, filename, out)
df, filename, assay_type, file_type_list, args.calculate_rdkit
output_stats(df, f"{filename}_stats", out)
##### Output Specific Results #####
def write_full_dataset_to_file(
dataset: Dataset,
args: CalculationArgs,
out: OutputArgs,
If write_full_dataset, write df_combined with filtering columns to output_path.
:param dataset: Dataset with compound-target pairs.
:type dataset: Dataset
:param args: Arguments related to how to calculate the dataset
:type args: CalculationArgs
:param out: Arguments related to how to output the dataset
:type out: OutputArgs
desc = "all"
if out.write_full_dataset:
name_all = os.path.join(
write_and_check_output(dataset.df_result, name_all, desc, args, out)
def write_debug_sizes(
dataset: Dataset,
out: OutputArgs,
Output counts at various points during calculating the final dataset for debugging.
:param dataset: Dataset with compound-target pairs and debugging sizes.
:type dataset: Dataset
:param args: Arguments related to how to calculate the dataset
:type args: CalculationArgs
:param out: Arguments related to how to output the dataset
:type out: OutputArgs
# Size of full dataset at different points.
name_full_df_sizes = os.path.join(out.output_path, "debug_full_df_sizes")
# Size of dataset with any pchembl values at different points.
# This includes data for which we only have pchembl data
# for functional assays but not for binding assays.
name_pchembl_df_sizes = os.path.join(out.output_path, "debug_pchembl_df_sizes")