ChEMBL 11 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of ChEMBL_11. This latest version of the ChEMBL database contains:
  • 1,195,368 compound records
  • 1,060,258 distinct compounds
  • 582,982 assays
  • 5,479,146 activities
  • 8,603 targets
  • 42,516 documents
  • 7 activity data sources
You can download the data from the ChEMBL ftpsite: Changes to the data and database include:
  • The loading of the quantitative activity data from the Guide to Receptors and Channels (4th Edition)
  • Updating of the organism classification information
  • The ChEMBL identifiers for all previous compounds/assays/documents/targets within the database, including those that have been removed/downgraded are now maintained within the chembl_id_lookup table
For a full and more detailed list of changes to the data and database please refer to the release notes. Changes to the interface include:
  • The ChEMBL widgets have been updated. The example widget below displays the molecular weight distribution of compounds that bind to human ABL1. (Note, the widget will now load external JavaScript dependencies, so you can easily add it to blog posts like this and target based widgets now accept UniProt accessions) Further details about the widgets can be found here