ChEMBL - now with added DOIness

In order to provide ChEMBL users with a persistent and citable link to datasets that have been deposited in ChEMBL we have started registering DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) for these datasets. Many of you will be familiar with the use of DOIs as identifiers for journal articles but they can be used for any document that you want to permanently identify and share with others. By doing this we are providing people with a way of citing a deposited dataset in exactly the same way as you would a scientific publication.

We are also hoping that by issuing DOIs for deposited data we will encourage people to contribute additional data to the ChEMBL database as the DOI will provide them with a permanent way to reference their contribution, for example by using the DOI in a subsequent publication.

At the moment we have DOIs for four of the deposited datasets in the ChEMBL database.  Two are results from screens on the GSK PKIS set and two are datasets measured as part of DNDi but we expect these to increase.  These datasets and their DOIs are shown below.

Compounds: GSK PKIS; Assays: Nanosyn kinase panel
Compounds: GSK PKIS; Assays: UNC Frye lab
Screening and optimization of specific chemical series against human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT)
Optimisation of fenarimol series for the treatment of Chagas disease

The DOIs can be resolved to the ChEMBL Document Report Card from the website