Congratulations to the 2012 Chemistry World Entrepreneur of the Year

Congratulations to one of our collaborators, Paul Workman FMedSci of the Institute of Cancer Research on being awarded the RSC Chemistry World Entrepreneuur of the Year award for 2012. This award recognizes individuals that have made significant contributions to the commercialisation of science. Paul has of course got a fantastic record of significant scientific discovery in the area of molecularly targeted cancer research, but has consistently searched for ways of generating value and patient benefit from these by founding a number of companies to move these discoveries forward to potential therapies and products - spending time with Paul really makes clear the drive, belief and energy that's required to make a great scientific entrepreneur and innovator.

Examples of his commercialisation of science include the founding of Piramed (acquired in a successful exit by Roche) and Chroma Therapeutics.

So well done Paul! And for readers of the blog interested in hearing some of Paul's translational research, there's a great opportunity to do this at the EMBO Chemical Biology 2012 meeting.