EMBL-EBI Small Molecule Bioactivity Course - Feb 2011

Just posted on the EMBL-EBI website are the first details of the Small Molecule Bioactivity Course. There will be more details later, and the agenda needs sketching out in more detail, but the dates, and guest lecturers are all set. So, if you would like to take part in an introductory level course to the use of chemogenomics approaches to understanding biology and supporting healthcare research, keep an eye out for more details, or take a chance in case all the places go, and register now!

On a related note, I would like to highlight the overall good-all-round-goodness and helpfulness of Noel O'Boyle; in honour, I may even go back to using the Irish form of my surname O'Verington.....

The image above will mean little to most, but a lot to the few who watch UK kids TV.