StARlite: Compounds, Targets and Publications over time

Given that StARlite lives, I should update my general slides, put together some new views, and so on. And so here are a couple of views on the publication rate of compounds. We started to abstract data from 'core' journals published in 1980 and onwards, and then added ten additional journals from 2007 onwards, hence the spike. Click images below for a usable view.

Firstly, compound records per year.

The SQL for this is trivial....

select year, count(distinct act.record_id ) as comp_record from docs d, activities act where act.doc_id = d.doc_id group by year;

Secondly, cumulative number of compound records.

Thirdly, targets per year. However, note that this is not new targets per year, just the number of distinct targets that were published within a given year.

Fourthly, cumulative targets covered over time. This of course, is unique targets.

Finally, the papers abstracted per year.