Hit-the-sack - Pt. IX - First Hotel Linné, Uppsala

How many of the world's greatest scientists have come from Uppsala? - well Anders Celsius, Anders Jonas Ångström, Svante Arrhenius, Jöns Jakob Berzelius, Theodor Svedberg, Arne Tiselius and Carl Linneaus, that's who. Wow! Lots and lots to see and do connected with science, so easy and tempting to have a holiday and browse lots of science/nature things. A real shame I had limited time there, but Uppsala has been added to my list of places for a proper holiday.

I wonder what Linneaus would have made of the tasty sea cucumber above?

Hotel Web Site

An overall score of 55%, let down by quality of room fittings and internet speed.

  • Room Quality - 6/10 OK Room, beds are quite lightweight, and furniture has clearly been used by many guests before me. There is one of those cool continental lifts though, the ones that the wall appears to move in front of you when you close the door. Excellent helpful staff.
  • Getting There - 5/10 About a £35 cab ride from Arlanda, nice quick roads and takes about 20 minutes. Expensive though.
  • Cost - 5/10 - ca. £100 a night, does include a good breakfast.
  • Phone reception - 8/10 - Good reliable signal, but it is a city center location....
  • Internet - 5/10 - Free internet for one day, not very quick at all though, and quite a few drop outs.
  • Conference facilities - n/a. I don't think they have anything.
  • Mushroom factor - 4/10 - Good potential, but snow on the ground when I visited.