Hit-the-sack - Pt XI. Tilton School, Tilton, New Hampshire

This was the accommodation for the 2009 Gordon Research Conference on Computer-Aided Drug Design, it was my first States-based Gordon Conference. I guess you can't book in to stay here (unless you want an education, and are under 18 or so) other than staying there as part of a Gordon Conference....

The conference was very, very good, but as protocol demands I can't tell you about that, but I can tell you about the room, the stay and the extra-curricular activities.

The school website is here

In summary a score of 68% - russulatastic!

  • Room Quality - 1/10 Spartan is the word, twin single beds, nylon carpet, desks and cupboards with the ability to padlock them (bring a padlock if you want to make things secure). Some rooms had fans (mine didn't) so expect a hot night when it is warm. Communal bathrooms, with 'youth sized' shower cubicles. Europeans who will probably wake early, had better turn the taps on about 15 minutes before they want to wash/shower with warm water. Here is some additional advice (pack pyjamas (or the equivalent), pack twice as many clothes as you think you will need, pack shampoo, conditioner, soap, and maybe even a towel and robe. Pack insect repellant (DEET is the only stuff that works, apparently, also take anti-itch cream). Prepare yourself mentally to potentially share a room with an adult you do not know.
  • Getting There - 5/10 A couple of hours by bus from Boston, maybe an hour from Manchester NH airport.
  • Cost - 8/10 - paid as part of the conference fees - very good value for money in my view.
  • Phone reception - 2/10 - Very patchy signal, no pay-phones nearby.
  • Internet - 8/10 - Good fast internet, both wireless (in my room, but not all) and ethernet. However, the IP range of the network there was the same as my works, so I had some odd behaviors....
  • Conference facilities - 8/10. Good, high quality facilities, projectors, wireless networking in the conference room, good acoustics, well equipped (there is however a striking picture on the wall of one of the rest-rooms in the conference hall).
  • Mushroom factor - 9/10 - In a word - Fantastic - many new species for me, loads of russulas, amanitas, boletes, and excellent amphibian fauna too. If you go into the woods at all - take insect repellant for the mosquitos - West Nile virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis are very, very minor risks there, but most of all they love blood and they are very strong and hungry lil fellas. If you want to take photos at ground level (where the majority of the mozzies seem to loiter), expose no patches of skin, and even consider wearing cotton gloves (seriously). There are also a lot of ticks, so long trousers and socks are an essential. Unlike the UK, there is no 'right to roam', so make sure you have permission to forage.