Interest in a ChEMBL User Group (ChUG) meeting?

We are now amassing a reasonably sized group of users for the ChEMBL database, both for the web interface, SARfari and local install versions. We are discussing holding a user group meeting on campus here at Hinxton, for early 2011, probably in January or February.

Please see the poll below....

We would also be interested to hear from one or two of our user-base to help plan and coordinate the event - if this sounds like you, please mail me.

P.S. We are also planning to hold another week long training course for ChEMBL resources next year, so keep an eye on the blog if you are interested in this.

Please note - the poll is now closed. We will try and arrange something in January or February next year, and would the people who were interested in helping us organise the meeting please make themselves known!