Internships within ChEMBL

We regularly offer internships within the ChEMBL group, these are typically for between three and six months. We receive about five to ten applications per week, so only a small fraction of applications are successful. We try and match these against project ideas we have, available space, and our limited budget. Here is some advice for those wishing to apply.

Please note - working as an intern at any EMBL lab may negatively affect applications for study as a PhD student at EMBL - please check the regulations carefully if you plan to apply for a PhD.
  • Please try and be accurate about the group you are applying to, we understand that you are probably looking at many opportunities, but if you mention a completely different scientific area, PI name, or have a very vague and general application, we will be unable to consider your application further.
  • Attach a current and accurate cv (please do not feel under pressure to limit this to two pages) with your initial application. Be accurate with the description of your skills and interests.
  • We circulate the applications amongst the ChEMBL group, and then short-list candidates for a skype video call, where we will have a half-hour interview, including some technical tests.
  • The group use Apple hardware for desktop machines and you will need to be able to use UNIX (in one its many forms), command line, and standard office tools (MS Office, or equivalent). You will not be able to bring your own computer/licensed software to perform work with us.
  • We will pay you a modest stipend while you are here, but you need to fund your own travel to and from the United Kingdom where required.
  • We do not have time to reply to, or provide feedback on, every application we receive, sorry.
  • We have a broad range of project ideas, not just those listed on the page linked to below; so we welcome applications from bioinformaticians, chemoinformaticians, structural biologists, web developers, knowledge modelling and those with drug discovery backgrounds.
Details on the EMBL-EBI's internship program are found here; however, please note that there are some contradictions in the current EBI website material - specifically, we welcome applications from all nationalities.