LinkedIn Endorsements and that Johari Window thing....

So, LinkedIn have just started up this endorsement thing, if you've listed some skills, your contacts are variously prompted to endorse/validate you against these skills. A sort of "X-factor", or "Scientist's got Talent"vote.

A picture of my current endorsements is above - yeah, yeah, stop laughing - it's only been going a few days, and in a couple of weeks everything's gonna be maxed out (I hope).

I find this whole concept pretty unsettling; for instance, if people have voted for my bioinformatics skills and ignored the chemoinformatics button, does it mean they think I stink at that? Is it a back-handed complement they've just paid me?

The other odd thing is that my personal perception of my skills is not well correlated with the LinkedIn world's views (hence the Johari Window reference in the title). Perhaps, people don't really see the private underlying enabling skills (e.g. Fortran) that are sublimed into the public facing stuff (e.g. Bioinformatics) we do.

I know I am obsessive and paranoid, but I know a lot of more obsessive and paranoid (and fragile) people than me, and they are probably losing sleep over this sort of stuff.

Come on, everyone knows I have leet Fortran haxor skillz - get clickin'