Meeting: MGMS Cutting Edge Approaches to Drug Design, 26th April 2012

Registration for the Cutting Edge Approaches to Drug Design (CEADD) 2012 meeting is now open. This meeting, organised by the MGMS, is the latest in a highly successful series of conferences, which have been held in collaboration with the RSC-MMG. The meetings are aimed at those who have an interest in the use of computational chemistry in drug discovery and development. This includes medicinal chemists, as well as structural biologists and cheminformaticians. The emphasis is on interdisciplinarity in drug discovery and also on evolving tools and techniques and their application in understanding biological systems.

CEADD2012 will be held on Thursday, 26th April, 2012, at the School of Oriental and African Studies in Russell Square, London. More details, including the list of speakers and information on how to register, can be found at the conference website (

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