• Guidance for people interested in developing against the chembldb schema/downloads

    The chembldb SAR data and an initial front end is now available (see earlier posts), over the next few months we will be making quite a few changes to the data, the database, and so forth. Most excitingly, there is a large bolus of 'new' data to add. Most of the changes we make will be evolutionary, but there will be a few major things as well.

    With this in mind, please mail us if you are building any systems that rely on the data, this way we can tell you in advance specifically what we are intending to do, and secondly, you could request features, cross-references, and so forth that could make your life so much easier.

    I can't remember where I found the image above, but it is a little bit funny, for those of us that travel in economy/coach.

  • Kinase SARfari Update

    The Kinase SARfari interface has been updated and is now using the JME Molecular Editor for compound drawing and editing. JME is an easy to use fast loading applet, for more information visit: http://www.molinspiration.com/jme/

  • ChEMBL notifications, updates, social media and news.

    When I started work, if you wanted to tell someone something, you wrote a handwritten note, posted it internally to a typing pool, told them how many copies you wanted, and a few days later things would turn up in the internal post. To distribute things further, you had to then fill envelopes, lick stamps and then post them. (For the youth reading this, Google any of the unfamiliar words/phrases). It was incredible that anything got done at all (penicillin, the transistor, gps, etc it really is.
    We live in different times, and as a group we communicate in three general ways to the world.

    • The ChEMBL-og chembl.blogspot.com - this blog! Mostly news of broad interest, some ephemera, some recruitment, and some analyses of data, new drug approval news, interesting papers, conferences, book and hotel reviews for scientists, etc.
    • The Group homepage at www.ebi.ac.uk/chembl - links to the online resources (currently kinase sarfari and chembldb are live).
    • The ChEMBL twitter feed www.twitter.com/chembl - mirrors most posts from the blog, occasional 'just had a really tasty burger', 'need a quarter inch Whitworth spanner', you have been warned.
    • The chembl-announce mailing list listserver.ebi.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/chembl-announce - formal news about data/software releases.

      The picture above is from b3ta (Often NSFW) - the United Kingdom have a major (physical) postal strike in the UK at the moment.

  • Chembl database web interface and data downloads are now live

    The initial web front-end to the ChEMBL SAR data is now available on the EMBL-EBI website, as are data downloads in MySQL and a variety of Oracle format downloads.

    The web interface is at http://www.ebi.ac.uk/chembldb/index.php

    The database downloads are at ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/chembl/chembl_01/

    We'll add some front-end documentation in the near future, and also restart the schema walkthrough web meetings, so if you are interested in these, please sign up to the chembl-announce mailing list, or configure an RSS feed on the blog.

    The picture above is the unbelievable 'King of Herrings', a charmingly named and only occasionally encountered deep sea oarfish, it is the world's longest bony fish you know...

  • Recruitment: Data Integration for ChEMBL

    We have a new position available within the ChEMBL group from January 2010 onwards - the role is for someone to do data integration, analysis, and work-flow prototyping for chemogenomics/bioassay data. The post should be advertised on the EMBL recruitment website soon, there are also several other excellent jobs listed at EMBL-EBI.

  • Conference: TACBAC 2010

    Registration for TACBAC 2010 is now open - TACBAC stands for Therapeutic Applications of Computational Biology and Chemistry. Details on the conference can be found here

  • Deadline for Bursaries for Small Molecule Bioactivity Course is Approaching

    The deadline for application for bursaries for the small molecule bioactivity course at the EMBL-EBI is approaching - Friday November 6th. If you wish to attend for free (or at a really discounted rate) please consider applying now. We are starting to assemble the material for the course now, and have secured some truly outstanding external speakers - it should be good!

  • Disclosure, Copyright, and Privacy Policy for the ChEMBL-og

    We have just passed 25,000 accesses to the blog, from a total of 106 countries - I know this is trivial, but to us it is enjoyable to know that people read this - some of you even come back again. We thought it would be good to provide some general guidance on the blog itself and technical issues like Disclosure, Privacy and Copyright. If you have any specific questions about the blog please contact us.

    We take interface accessibility issues very seriously, please let us know if you have trouble in reading our content.

    The ChEMBL-og is currently hosted on chembl.blogspot.com.


    The ChEMBL-og may from time to time collect names and/or details of website visitors. This may include mailing lists, or blog comments sections. These details will not be passed onto any other third party or other organisation unless we are required to by government or other law enforcement authority.

    If you contribute content, such as discussion comments, to the site, your contribution may be publicly displayed including personally identifiable information.

    The ChEMBL-og links to independently run web sites. We take no responsibility for the privacy practices or content of such web sites.

    The ChEMBL-og uses cookies to save access details and to collect statistical information about the numbers of visitors to the site. Specifically we use Google Analytics and Flagcounter.com to achieve this, these are third party sites. If you are concerned about this, and still want to access the blog, you can turn off javascript support in your browser, access via various paid and free anonymous proxy services and so forth.

    The ChEMBL-og is suitable for all ages. If you find any content that you consider to be not suitable for all ages, contact us.

    This policy will be updated from time to time. If we make significant changes to this policy after that time a notice will be posted on the main pages of the website.


    This blog is a sponsored blog created and supported by an international organization - the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL).

    This blog does not accept any form of advertising, sponsorship, or paid insertions. We write for our own purposes. However, we may be influenced by our background, occupation or experience.

    The owner(s) of this blog will never receive compensation in any way from this blog.

    The owner(s) of this blog is not compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the blog owners. If we claim or appear to be experts on a certain topic or product or service area, we will only endorse products or services that we believe, based on our expertise, are worthy of such endorsement. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. This is especially important in the healthcare area, you should always consult a qualified physician.

    The owner(s) of this blog would like to disclose the following existing relationships. These are companies, organizations or individuals that may have a significant impact on the content of this blog.

    We often add pictures to the heading of each post, these are taken from the internet and are often humorous in nature, they are not typically associated with the material in the post itself, and are used in good faith. If any of the images are yours, and you wish either for attribution, or for them to be removed, please contact us.
    Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
    The cartoon above is, again, from xkcd...