• New GPCR structures: SMO, 5-HT1B, 5-HT2B

    Since the last GPCR structure post of jpo, three novel GPCR receptors have had their structure solved.

    1) 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1B, 5-HT1B, in complex with the agonist Ergotamine(4iaq) (1)
    2) 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1B, 5-HT2B, in complex with Dihydroergotamine and Ergotamine (4ib4, 4iar) (1)
    3) The first class F receptor, the Smoothed Homolog (2), in complex with an agonizing anti-tumor agent, LY2940680 (4jkv)

    The latter gave me quite a headache since its sequence identify with class A GPCRs is <10, and it is missing some of the very conserved motifs. Trying to align it with pure sequence alignment is next to impossible. Luckely I could make use of 3D-Coffee, heavily overweighting the pairwise structural alignment produced by TMalign and sap. Mind you, the alignment could probably be optimized manually, but it is quite encouraging to see an automated mechanism doing such a good job. Oh, did I mention, you'll be able to inspect all of these alignments yourself in the upcoming version of the GPCR SARfari?

    1. 4iaq (red) - Human 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1B
    2. 4ib4A (red) - Human 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2B
    3. 4jkvA (orange) - Human Smoothened Homolog
    4. 3vw7 (pink) - Human Proteinase-activated receptor 1
    5. 1f88A (yellow) - Bos taurus Rhodopsin
    6. 2rh1 (green) - Human Beta-2 adrenergic receptor
    7. 4djhA (violet) - Human Kappa-type opioid receptor
    8. 4ej4 (blue) - Mus musculus Delta-type opioid receptor

    Despite being so structurally different, there is a good conservation in the 3D structure - See figure 1. The superimposing was done using mnyfit, a program jpo wrote (3) sometime back when he was still a young lad pursuing a PhD degree. Oh, and a(nother) small teaser, that screenshot comes from the updated version of the GPCR SARfari I'm working on, where you can interact with the superimposed structures, showing ligands, binding sites etc.

    It seems the next major one will be the first class B, the Glucagon receptor. Hopefully this won't break my code and set back my work a few weeks.

    10        20        30        40        50  
    4iaq   (  38 )                              y-iyQdsislpwkvllvmllal-i
    4lb4A  (  48 )                                  ee-q-gnkl-hwAallilmv
    4jkvA  ( 190 )    sgqÇevPLvrTdnpkSwyedveGÇGI-qçqNpLFteaeHqdMhsyIaa-f
    3vw7   (  91 )                               dasgYLtsswLtlfVPsvYtg-V
    1f88A  (   1 )     mnGtegpnfyVPfsnktgvVrsPfea-pQyyLaepwqFsmlAayMfl-l
    2rh1   (  29 )                                      devwvvgmgivmsl-i
    4djhA  (  55 )                                      spaipviitavysv-v
    4ej4   (  41 )                                  rsasslalaiaitalYsa-v
                                                          aaaaaaaaaaaa a
                               60        70        80        90        100 
    4iaq   (  60 )    tlaTtlsNafViatVyrt-rkLhtpanyLiasLAvTDllVSilVMpi---
    4lb4A  (  65 )    iipTigGNtlVilAVsle-kkLqyatnyFlmsLAvADllVGlfVMpi---
    4jkvA  ( 238 )    GavTglcTlfTlaTFvadwrnsnrypaVILfyVNaCffvgSiGWlaQfmd
    3vw7   ( 113 )    fvvSlplNimaivvFilk-mkvkkPAVVyMlhLAtADvlFVsv-Lpf---
    1f88A  (  48 )    imlGfpiNflTlyVTvqH-kkLrtpLNyILlnLAvADlfMVfgGFtT---
    2rh1   (  44 )    vlaIvfgNvlVitAIakf-erLqtvtnyFItsLAcADlvMGlaVVpf---
    4djhA  (  70 )    fvvGlvgNslVmfVIiry-tkmktaTniYIfNLAlADalVTtT-Mpf---
    4ej4   (  60 )    cavGllgNvlvmfgIvry-tkLktATniYIfNLAlADalATst-Lpf---
                      aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa       aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa  aaa   
                               110       120       130       140       150 
    4iaq   ( 106 )    ----------Stmytv-tg-rWtlgqvvÇdfWlssDItCCTASIwHLCvi
    4lb4A  ( 111 )    ----------aLltim-feamWplplvlÇpawLflDVlfSTASIwHLCaI
    4jkvA  ( 288 )    garreIVçRadgTMRl-gE-pTsnetlsÇviiFviVYyAlMAGvvWFvvL
    3vw7   ( 158 )    ----------kisYyfsgS-dWqfgselÇrfVtAaFYcnMYASIlLMtvI
    1f88A  (  94 )    ----------TlyTSl-hG-yFvfgptGÇnlEGffATLGGEIaLwSLvvL
    2rh1   (  90 )    ----------gaahil-mk-mWtfgnfwçefWTSiDVlCVTASIeTLcvI
    4djhA  ( 115 )    ----------qstvyl-mn-sWpfgdvlÇkiVlsiDyyNMfTSIfTLtmM
    4ej4   ( 105 )    ----------qsakyl-me-tWpfgellÇkaVlSidYyNMFTSIfTLtmM
                                aaaaaa         aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
                               160       170       180       190       200 
    4iaq   ( 144 )    AldrywaitdaveysakrtpkraavmialvwvfSisISl-pPf-fw-r--
    4lb4A  ( 150 )    svdryiaIkkpiqanqynsratAfikitvVwliSigiAi-pVpikg-i--
    4jkvA  ( 336 )    TyAWHTsFkalgttyqpgk-t--syfhllTwslPfvlTv-aIlavaqVDG
    3vw7   ( 197 )    SiDrflAVvypm-----rtlgrAsftClaiwalAiagVv-pLllke-Qti
    1f88A  ( 132 )    aieRyvvvckpmsn-frfgenhAimgvafTwvmAlaCAa-pPlvgwSr--
    2rh1   ( 128 )    AvdryfAItspfkyqSlltknkArviilmvwivSgltSflpIqmhwyr-a
    4djhA  ( 153 )    SvdRyiaVchpvkaldfrtplkAkiinicIwllSssvGi-sAivlG-Gtk
    4ej4   ( 143 )    SvDRyiavchpvkaldfrtpakAklinicIwvlAsgvGv-pimvmA-vtq
                      aaaaaaaaa          aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa  aaa       
                               210       220       230       240       250 
    4iaq   ( 189 )    ------qa------s-eÇvv---n--------tdhilytvySTvgAFyfP
    4lb4A  ( 196 )    ------et-np-nni-tÇvL---t-------kerFgdfMlfgSlaAFftP
    4jkvA  ( 384 )    -DsV---------SG-IÇF-----------VGYknyryRagfVlapIglV
    3vw7   ( 245 )    qvpglg-------it-Tçhdvlset----LlegyyayyfsafSavfFfvp
    1f88A  ( 178 )    ------YI-PE-GMQCSÇGI---DY-YTpheetnNesFViyMfvvHfiiP
    2rh1   ( 177 )    -thqe-AinÇyaeet-çÇdf---f---------TnqayaiasSivSFyvp
    4djhA  ( 201 )    vredv-------dvi-eÇsl---qFpd-ddyswwdlfmkicVfifAfviP
    4ej4   ( 191 )    prdg---------av-vÇml---qf-p-spswywdtvtkicvflfAfvvP
                                                         aaaaaaaaaa  aaa
                               260       270       280       290       300 
    4iaq   ( 221 )    tllLialygrIyvears--r--------------ilma----arerkaTk
    4lb4A  ( 230 )    laiMivtyfltihALqkk---a---------------q--tisneqrask
    4jkvA  ( 412 )    livGgyfLirGvmtlfsIksn----hpglLsekaa---skinetMlrLgi
    3vw7   ( 283 )    liiStvCyvsIirclss--s-a------------------anrskksrAl
    1f88A  ( 216 )    livIffcygqLvftvkea---AaS-------------a-ttqkaekevTr
    2rh1   ( 212 )    lviMvfvYsrVfqeakr--q--------------l--k--fclkeHkaLk
    4djhA  ( 239 )    vliIivcytlMilrlksv---r-lls--------g---rekdrnlrritr
    4ej4   ( 226 )    iliitvcyglMllrlrsv---r-----------------ekdrslrriTr
                      aaaaaaaaaaaaaa                             aaaaaaa
                               310       320       330       340       350 
    4iaq   ( 315 )    tLgiIlgaF-ivCWlpFFiiSlvmpi------------------------
    4lb4A  ( 325 )    vlgivFflF-llmWcpFFitNitLvl-çd--sç---------------nq
    4jkvA  ( 455 )    fGflAfgfv-liTfscHfyDffnQae-We--rSFrdyVlçqançeiknr-
    3vw7   ( 313 )    fLSaaVfcIFiiCFgpTNvlLiaHYsfl-sht-------------st--t
    1f88A  ( 253 )    MViiMviaF-liCWlpYAgvAfyIft-hq--gs---------------d-
    2rh1   ( 274 )    tlgiIMgtF-tlcWlpFFiVNivhvi-qd---n---------------l-
    4djhA  ( 275 )    LVlvVVavF-vvcWtpIHifilveal-gs---------------------
    4ej4   ( 262 )    MVlvVvgaF-vvCWapIHifVivwtl-vd--in-----------rrd-p-
                      aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa                        
                               360       370       380       390       400 
    4iaq   ( 347 )    --hlaifdffTwlGYlNSliNPiiYtmsnedFkqafhkli-rfk      
    4lb4A  ( 356 )    ttlqmlLeifvWiGYvSSGvNPlvyTlfnktFrdAfgrYi-tcnyr    
    4jkvA  ( 513 )    -PsllvEkiNLfAmFgtGiaMStwvwtkatlliwrr-------twc    
    3vw7   ( 347 )    eaAYfaYLlcvCvSSiSCciDplIyyyAssec                  
    1f88A  ( 283 )    -fgPifMtipAFfAKtSAvyNPviYimmnkqFrnCmvttl-ccgknpstt
    2rh1   ( 303 )    -irkevyillNwiGYvNSgfNpliYc-rspdfriAfqell-c--------
    4djhA  ( 307 )    -aalssyyfcIalGytNSslNPilYafldenFkrcfrdfcf--p      
    4ej4   ( 295 )    -lvvaalhlcialGYaNSslNpvlYaflDenfkrc               
                         aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa   aaaaaaa              
    1f88A  ( 337 )    vsktetsqvapa
    2rh1   ( 342 )    ------l     

    (1) Chong Wang et al., Science 3 May 2013: 340 (6132), 610-614
    (2) Chong Wang et al., Nature 16 May 2013: 497, 338–343
    (3) Kenji Mizuguch et al., Protein Science Nov 1998: 7 (11), 2469-2471

    Updated: Somehow the HTML didn't render properly.

  • Kinase Inhibitor Success in the Clinic - A snapshot Q2 2013

    There is a lot of action in the approval of kinase inhibitors at the moment, and it is interesting to look at the attrition/survival of these through clinical trials, in the view above this is plotted as the number approved vs the number in the pipeline (the table takes care of mergers, compound acquisitions and so forth). The pale blue dotted line is the trend-line through the data, do not draw too much into this though...

    It's interesting to see that Pfizer and GSK are doing relatively well, and Lilly and Roche (inc. Genentech) are doing relatively badly - across kinase inhibitors. But it doesn't make many approvals to make a difference to this!

    Thanks to Krister Winnerberg for some cleanup of the kinase inhibitor dataset.

    For clarification:

    • this includes the indirect kinase inhibitors of the -rolimus class (7 approved, 1 of these Japan only).
    • the total number of kinase inhibitors in the clinic in the dataset is 392, with 29 approved
    • the Japan only inhibitor Fasudil is included in the set of approved small molecule inhibitors

  • New Drug Approvals 2013 - Pt. X - Trametinib (Mekinist®)

    ATC code:L01XE15

    On May 29th 2013, the FDA approved trametinib (Mekinist®) for the treatment of patients with unresectable or metastatic melanoma with BRAF V600E or V600K mutations, and who have not received prior BRAF inhibitor treatment. Trametinib inhibits mutant BRAF signalling through the inhibition of a downstream kinase, MEK. In clinical trials trametinib improved the progression-free survival (PFS) from 1.5 months on standard of care chemotherapy to 4.8 months on trametinib.

    Trametinib is the first approved targeted MEK inhibitor. It inhibits the kinase catalytic activity of its targets, mitogen-activated extracellular signal regulated kinase 1 and 2 ( MAP2K1 AKA MEK1, Uniprot:Q02750) and MAP2K2 AKA MEK2, Uniprot:P36507).

    The sequences of the targets are here:

    >sp|Q02750|MP2K1_HUMAN Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1 OS=Homo sapiens GN=MAP2K1 PE=1 SV=2
    >sp|P36507|MP2K2_HUMAN Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 2 OS=Homo sapiens GN=MAP2K2 PE=1 SV=1

    Trametinib is administered as tablets containing trametinib dimethyl sulfoxide, the molecular formula C26H23FIN5O4 . C2H6OS with a molecular mass of 693.53. The molecular weight of trametinib itself is 615.4 and its AlogP is 3.18. Trametinib is 97.4% bound to human plasma proteins. The apparent volume of distribution (Vc/F) is 214 L. Tmax occurs 1.5 hours after dosing, and mean oral bioavailavility is 72%. Trametinib is primarily metabolised by deamidation and subsequent clearance with a half life of 3.9 to 4.8 days, clearance is 4.9 L/hr. Trametinib is not an inhibitor or substrate for CYP or PGP systems, but is an inducer of CYP3A4 activity.

    Standard dose is 2mg once daily, with lower doses recommended if side effects are observed. Significant, use limiting side effects are seen in many patients.

    Mekinist is produced by GSK

    The Prescribing Information is here.

  • Drug impurities and similar and different pharmacological actions

    A little something for the weekend. I've just escaped a busy day of childcare, and clear-out of our medicine cupboard. I threw away quite a few things that were two or three years out of date - now I would have quite happily taken them, but the bin seemed a better place. It's not like that suddenly on the date on the box, the active ingredient expires and transforms to a highly toxic compound. Given that temperature has a big effect on chemical rates, and that storage temperature is probably quite variable, the dates will tend to be really really conservative. For the majority of cases though, once would expect that there is simply less of the desired 'active' ingredient, and the drug will be (slightly) less efficacious.

    It got me thinking though, what sort of pharmacologically active things will be in old pills, and above is a nice example of the active ingredient,  impurities and degradation products for atorvastatin (which the eagle-eyed amongst you will spot that atorvastatin itself is the top left molecule). Most impurities look like they stand a fair chance of being HMGCoA reductase inhibitors too, and some look quite radically different, in fact heaven knows what they might interact with - but it is an interesting question to ask.

    Of course, these are present in small quantities in the finished product, but their fractional occurrence is like a watermark, that can detect variations in process, storage conditions and so forth - even counterfeit drugs.

    If anyone is aware of cases where there is a marked and profound activity for a degradation product, please put it in the comment section.

  • Paper: The Open Access Malaria Box: A Drug Discovery Catalyst for Neglected Diseases

    Historically, one of the key problems in neglected disease drug discovery has been identifying new and interesting chemotypes. Phenotypic screening of the malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum has yielded almost 30,000 submicromolar hits in recent years. To make this collection more accessible, a collection of 400 chemotypes has been assembled, termed the Malaria Box. Half of these compounds were selected based on their drug-like properties and the others as molecular probes. These can now be requested as a pharmacological test set by malaria biologists, but importantly by groups working on related parasites, as part of a program to make both data and compounds readily available. In this paper, the analysis and selection methodology and characteristics of the compounds are described.

    Data from studies involving the Malaria Box will be in ChEMBL and the ChEMBL Malaria portal.

    %A T. Spangenberg
    %A J.N. Burrows
    %A P. Kowalczyk
    %A S. McDonald
    %A TNC Wells
    %D 2013
    %T The Open Access Malaria Box: A Drug Discovery Catalyst for Neglected Diseases
    %J PLoS ONE 
    %V 8
    %P e62906
    %O doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0062906

  • Clustering of a few chemical databases

    Above is a PCA plot of a number (17) of databases contained within UniChem (click image to make it bigger). The plot contains 30 odd % of the variance, so certainly not the complete picture, and pretty close to the dignity level of plotting in 2D! Check out https://www.ebi.ac.uk/unichem for more details on the databases and versions, the distance metric reflects the fraction of shared standard InChI keys.

    Anyway, it's pretty interesting, there are arguably three arms to this...

    • Top left - screening compound databases (zinc, euos and emolecules)
    • Bottom centre - patent databases (patents, ibm and surechem)
    • Centre right - drug databases (drugbank, et al)

    In the middle is Chembl itself, which sort of makes sense, as there will be fractionally more overlap with patent db's, available compounds, and drugs.

  • USAN Watch: June 2013

    The USANs for June 2013 have recently been published.

    USAN Research Code InChIKey (Parent)Drug ClassTherapeutic classTarget
    CTPOHARTNNSRSR-OUKQBFOZSA-Ntherapeuticsynthetic small moleculePGI2R
    esketamine hydrochloride
    YQEZLKZALYSWHR-ZDUSSCGKSA-Ntherapeuticsynthetic small moleculeNMDAR
    evolocumabAMG-145n/atherapeuticmonoclonal antibodyPCSK9
    GS-1101, CAL-101 
    IFSDAJWBUCMOAH-HNNXBMFYSA-Ntherapeuticsynthetic small moleculePI3K
    rivipansel, rivipansel hydrochloride
    GMI-1070, PF-06460031 
    n/atherapeuticnatural product-derived small moleculeselectin

  • New Drug Approvals 2013 - Pt. IX - Dabrafenib mesylate (Tafinlar®)

    ATC code: L01XE15
    Wikipedia: Dabrafenib

    On May 29th 2013 the FDA approved dabrafenib mesylate (trade name: Tafinlar®, research codes GSK-2118436A and GSK-2118436B) for the treatment of patients with unresectable metastatic melanoma harbouring the BRAF V600E mutation. In clinical trials, dabrafenib showed improved progression-free survival (PFS) over the comparator dacarbazine (median PFS 5.1 months for dabrafenib compared to 2.7 months for dacarbazine). Moreover, in a multicentre open-label Phase II trial dabrafenib showed effectiveness on brain metastases of melanoma regardless of whether the patients had been previously treated.

    As with the previously approved BRAF inhibitor, vemurafenib, the major side effect of dabrafenib is the emergence of malignant cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas and keratoacanthomas.

    The main molecular target for dabrafenib is the human mutant serine/threonine kinase, BRAF (Uniprot for wild type protein: P15056). Dabrafenib potently inhibits multiple mutant BRAF species including V600E at 0.65 nM, V600K at 0.5 nM and V600D at 1.84 nM. It also inhibits wild type BRAF at 3.2 nM and wild type CRAF at 5 nM.

    Dabrafenib is administered orally as capsules containing the dabrafenib mesylate salt. Dabrafenib freebase (ChEMBL:CHEMBL2028663) has a molecular weight of 519.6 and AlogP of 5.38. The molecular formula of dabrafenib is C23H20F3N5O2S2. After oral administration, the median time to reach peak plasma concentration (Tmax) is 2 hours; the mean absolute bioavailability is 95% and the mean terminal half-life is 8 hours after oral administration.

    Tafinlar® is produced by Glaxosmithkline

    The full Prescribing Information is here
