Paper: Annotating Human P-Glycoprotein Bioassay Data

A paper on extraction, curation and comparison of literature data for a key transporter in drug discovery P-glycoprotein Uniprot:P08183 (aka MDR1, pgp, etc). It details some interesting comparisons of different assay formats, readouts, cell-backgrounds and so forth.

Here's a link to the paper (It should be Open Access, but isn't at the moment :( ).

%T Annotating Human P-Glycoprotein Bioassay Data
%J Mol. Informatics
%A B. Zdrazil 
%A M. Pinto
%A P. Vasanthanathan
%A A.J. Williams
%A L.Z. Balderud
%A O. Engkvist 
%A C. Chichester
%A A. Hersey 
%A J.P. Overington
%A G.F. Ecker
%D 2012
%V 31
%O DOI: 10.1002/minf.201200059