Paper: A Ligand’s-Eye View of Protein Similarity

Gerard and I have just had a News & Views published in Nature Methods - link to the pdf is here. This is a commentary on a paper by Lin et al. which uses metrics derived from pharmacological similarity to cluster proteins - there are some interesting differences between the same proteins clustered by sequence similarity, anyway, here's the N&V and below is the discussed paper (pdf link here)

%A G. Van Westen 
%A J.P. Overington
%D 2013 
%T A Ligand’s-Eye View of Protein Similarity
%J Nature Methods
%V 10
%P 116-117 
%O doi:10.1038/nmeth.2339

%A H. Lin
%A M.F. Sassano
%A B.L. Roth
%A B.K. Shoichet
%T A pharmacological organization of G protein-coupled receptors
%J Nature Methods
%V 10
%P 140-146
%D 2013
%O doi:10.1038/nmeth.2324
