Parallel Sets for Drug Delivery Class and RoF

So, following on from the post of a few days ago is the following diagram. It shows, in parallel sets form, the proportion of drug structures (the dosed components) that either fail or pass the rule of five (RoF) - in this case a molecule fails if it fails any single rule, compared to the delivery route of the drug, in this case Oral, Parenteral and Topical. As always, things are not as simple as they seem, since some drugs are dosed both topically, and orally and parenterally, and so forth. By comparison to the example for the Titanic, this would be the same as a passenger being both First Class and Second Class at the same time. For clarity, here are some summary numbers 68% of RoF compliant drugs can be Orally dosed, compared to 50% of RoF 'uncompliant' drugs that can be orally dosed. But I think the graph is interesting nonetheless.

As you know by now, I am completely incapable of doing any actual real work or data analysis, so the keyboard wizard in this case was Bissan Al-Lazikani.

So I must admit, I don't find Parallel Sets a compelling way to view these data (maybe the colors, maybe because the trends aren't that clear?).