PPI-Net - UK National Network for Collaboration on Protein-Protein Interactions

Yesterday I took part in a workshop on targeted libraries at the Univeristy of Leeds - it was a great meeting, with lots of good ideas on directing compound design towards this class of interaction (Protein-Protein Interactions, PPIs - now form a significant fraction of the interesting target systems for drug discovery and basic biology and the development of tool compounds/leads that modulate these is a major challenge due to the low ligand efficiency characteristics of the majority of PPI binding sites).

There is a great website, with a collection of key references, contacts, etc.

I came away determined to do a couple of things:

  1. Resurrect some old F77 code (yay!) to look at peptide binding pharmacophores.
  2. Try and play a bit with Facebook/LinkedIn as a sort of dating site for unattached chemical/biologists.