Publication: Chemogenomics Approaches for Receptor Deorphanization and Extensions of the Chemogenomics Concept to Phenotypic Space

A paper has recently been published, which may be of interest; it covers the use of chemogenomics class data in activities such as target prediction, receptor deorphanisation and so forth. A link the the paper is here.

%T Chemogenomics Approaches for Receptor Deorphanization and Extensions of the Chemogenomics Concept to Phenotypic Space
%J Curr. Topics Med. Chem.
%V 11
%A E. van der Horst
%A J.E. Peironcely
%A G.J.P. van Westen
%A O.O. van den Hoven
%A W.R.J.D. Galloway
%A D.R. Spring
%A J.K. Wegner
%A H.W.T. van Vlijmen
%A A.P. IJzerman
%A John P. Overington
%A A. Bender
%D 2011