Registration for diXa course "Microarray Analysis using R and Bioconductor" is now open

We are partners in the diXa FP7 infrastructure grant for chemical safety 'omics data, and as part of this, there is a course aimed at people who could benefit from an introduction to microarray data analysis. This will take place at the EMBL-EBI from 14 -16 May 2013. No prior R or Bioconductor experience is required. Registration closes on 21st April 2013.

This course is aimed at researchers and scientists (PhD students, post-doc, staff scientist) who will benefit from an introduction to microarray data analysis and training in how to perform simple analyses using R/Bioconductor. All sessions are a combination of lectures and hands-on. Prerequisites are a life science degree or equivalent experience, basic understanding of microarray techniques, and a basic understanding of biostatistics. No prior knowledge of R or Bioconductor is assumed.

Participants will receive a basic understanding of the R syntax and ability to manipulate R objects. After this course students should feel comfortable with the R/Bioconductor environment and be in a position to continue their own explorations of the functionality of R and start using R for their basic biostatistics needs. You will understand why Quality Control of microarray is necessary, run a QC workflow and be able to correctly interpret the results. A range of data exploration methods will be reviewed (PCA, Hierarchical clustering, KNN and Kmean, Scatter plots).

For more information and a full programme:

The "Data infrastructure for chemical safety" (diXa) project aims to support the EU Toxicogenomics Research Community in developing non-animal assays in vitro/in silico for chemical safety, which better predict human toxicity in vivo. The diXa project will design a robust and openly accessible data infrastructure for capturing toxicogenomics data produced by past, current and future EU research projects.

As part of the project we will organise a range of training courses over the next 2 years; this is the first diXa training course open to the general scientific community. diXa training courses will focus on hands-on training using the consortiums unique combination of knowledge and expertise. 
