Three ChEMBL talks at the March ACS in San Diego

A number of the ChEMBL team will be at the ACS in San Diego next March - we'll be giving a couple of talks -  one is one drug safety (jpo) one is on peptide SAR analysis and design (Patricia Bento) and the final one is on UniChem (Jon Chambers). So hopefully see you there!

We'll be spending some time in the lab of one of our close collaborators - Mike Gilson at UCSD, but we're happy to meet up with others, give talks, training, etc. as time and travel schedules permit. So if you're interested in this, get in touch.

Update: Fixed post, to reflect three accepted talks.

PAPER ID: 20839
PAPER TITLE: "Drug combinations to reduce adverse drug reactions and improve intrapatient differences in response"
DIVISION: CINF: Division of Chemical Information
SESSION: Systems Chemical Biology and Other 

PAPER ID: 22715
PAPER TITLE: "UniChem: A prototype unified chemical structure cross-referencing and identifier tracking system"
DIVISION: CINF: Division of Chemical Information
SESSION: InChI Symposium

PAPER ID: 15760
PAPER TITLE: "Comprehensive analysis of explored and available physicochemical space for alpha-amino acids"
DIVISION: ORGN: Division of Organic Chemistry
SESSION: Peptides, Proteins, and Amino Acids