USAN Watch - August 2010

The August 2010 USANs have just been published, these are:

USANResearch code Drug Type Drug ClassTarget
AlvocidibFlavopiridol, HL-275, HMR-1275, L86-8275, MDL-107826A, NSC-649890Synthetic small moleculetherapeuticCDK inhibitor
DanoprevirR05190591, RG-7227, ITMN-191Synthetic small moleculetherapeuticHCV Proteinase inhibitor
LatrepiridineSynthetic small moleculetherapeuticComplex MOA
LunacalcipolCTA-018Natural product-derivedtherapeuticVitamin D receptor
MavrilimumabCAM-3001mAb therapeuticGMCSFr alpha-chain
Moxetumomab pasudotoxCAT-8015, HA22mAbtherapeuticCD-22
Semuloparin sodiumAVE-5026OligosaccharidetherapeuticAntithrombin III

It may be of interest to note the USANs "Semuloparin" and "Semuloparin Sodium" in July and August this year. These USANs refer to the same active substance (Semuloparin), one being the sodium salt of the other. There are slight differences that exist between the WHO INN process and the USAN process. INNs do not include the salt/counterion in the name, whereas USANs historically have. Now, for USANs, both the salt and the parent molecule get assigned distinct USANs.