Paper: PPDMs – A resource for mapping small molecule bioactivities from ChEMBL to Pfam-A protein domains
We've just published a Open Access paper in Bioinformatics on an approach to annotate the region of ligand binding within a target protein. This has a lot of applications in the use of ChEMBL, in particular providing greater accuracy in mapping functional effects, improving ligand-based target prediction approaches, and reducing false positives in sequence/target searching of ChEMBL. Where next for this work - well annotating to a site-specific level would be a good thing to implement (think about HIV-1 RT with the distinct nucleoside and non-nucleoside sites).
Here's the abstract...
Availability: The PPDMs resource and curation interface is available at
The source-code for PPDMs is available under the Apache license at
Source code is available at to demonstrate the integration process with the main schema of ChEMBL.