• ChUG - The Chembl User Group

    We have set up a LinkedIn group for the Chembl User Group. Feel free to join if you are interested in connecting up with like-minded scientists,interested in applying ChEMBL to various Life Science problems, hearing about user group meetings, etc. If you are not a member of LinkedIn, have a look around...

    I always feel a little bit inadequate when I read some LinkedIn profiles, and some of the elite groups that have been set up; so, as an aside, for when you have a glass of aged port in one hand, a handsome cigar and a fine laptop in the other, try this link for an interesting analysis of how people describe themselves on on-line forums and the comparison to cold harsh reality.

  • From One Of Our Collaborators - CanSAR

    One of our collaborators, Bissan Al-Lazikani is building a highly integrated system for cancer target and drug discovery - canSAR. A pre-release of the Target and Drug Synopsis pages is now available, populated with the Genomics of Drug Sensitivity Project at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, canSAR complements the annotation of the 1000 cell-line screening project.

    Due to the pre-release nature of this component of canSAR, many features have been disabled and removed. The full public release of canSAR will be available later in the year (it is very cool though!).

    canSAR is developed and hosted by the Cancer Research UK Centre for Cancer Therapeutics at the Institute of Cancer Research.

  • Interest in a ChEMBL User Group (ChUG) meeting?

    We are now amassing a reasonably sized group of users for the ChEMBL database, both for the web interface, SARfari and local install versions. We are discussing holding a user group meeting on campus here at Hinxton, for early 2011, probably in January or February.

    Please see the poll below....

    We would also be interested to hear from one or two of our user-base to help plan and coordinate the event - if this sounds like you, please mail me.

    P.S. We are also planning to hold another week long training course for ChEMBL resources next year, so keep an eye on the blog if you are interested in this.

    Please note - the poll is now closed. We will try and arrange something in January or February next year, and would the people who were interested in helping us organise the meeting please make themselves known!

  • EMBO Chemical Biology Meeting 2010

    The 2010 EMBO Chemical Biology meeting to be held in Heidelberg is shaping up very well - excellent speakers, really exciting portfolio of international chemical biology research, etc, but it is now only two months away, however some places are still available for attendees. Links to the conference details are here.

    Of course, several of the ChEMBL group will be there, and so if you'd like to meet any of us there, hear about our plans for the databases, or know more about research, drop us a line.

  • EMBL Postdoctoral Programme - Interdisciplinary Postdocs (EIPOD)

    EMBL run an annual round of inderdisciplinary postdoc applications, with the research either from a set of pre-defined projects, or for projects of the applicants design. The positions reply on extensive collaboration between EMBL faculty, to produce an innovative and cutting-edge research opportunity. The deadline for applications to the EMBL EIPOD program is 5pm 31st August 2010. Details are at the following link, and we would welcome any applicants wishing to discuss potential projects with us.

  • USAN watch - July 2010

    The July 2010 USANs have just been published, these are:

    USANResearch code Drug Type Drug ClassTarget
    CabazitaxelXRP-6258 RPR-116258natural product-derivedtherapeuticbeta-tubulin, Taxane site
    CrolibulinEPC-2407synthetic small moleculetherapeuticbeta-tubulin, Colchicine site
    EnokizumabMEDI-528, 7F3com-2H2mAbtherapeuticIL-9
    Egaptivon PegolARC-1779oligonucleotidetherapeuticVon Willebrand Factor
    GevokizumabXOMA-052mAb therapeuticIL-1 beta
    GadobutrolZK-135079inorganicimaging agentn/a
    IrosustatBN-83495, STX-64, 667 Coumatesynthetic small moleculetherapeuticSteroid sulphatase
    SemuloparinAVE-5026oligosaccharidetherapeuticAntithrombin III

  • Structure-based druggability service available for testing

    We have re-established the web service (originally called 'Strudle') to analyse and characterise protein structures for 'drug-like' or 'druggable' binding sites. The server allows browsing of results for current PDB entries, sequence similarity searches, and secure upload and processing of 'private' coordinate sets (which, as long as they are standard PDB format could be experimental, modelled, etc.)

    The interface will go through quite a few changes in the near future, and because of this, your feedback would be greatly appreciated.

    If you are interested in trying this out, please mail me for access details.

  • Chembl_05 released

    We are pleased to announce the immediate release of chembl_05, accessible through the front-end (at www.ebi.ac.uk/chembldb) and also available on the anonymous ftp server (ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/chembl/). This release contains 7,493 targets, 697,730 compound records, 578,715 distinct compounds, 2,787,240 bioactivities abstracted from 36,624 publications. This correpsonds to a growth of 3% in bioassay count compared to chembl_04.